The Giant of St Michael’s Mount

by 5ocietyx


Cornish folklore tells the story of how in the time of King Arthur a fearsome giant by the name Cormoran built St Michael’s Mount and lived in a cave there from where he would launch raids into Penwith and the Cornish mainland.

A local lad by the name of Jack rowed to the mount and dug a pit before luring the giant into it. He did this by blowing a horn at sunrise when the giant was asleep which woke him up. He staggered out and blinded by sunlight fell into the pit.


Jack and the locals mocked the trapped giant before killing him with a pickaxe.

This became the fairy-tale ‘Jack the Giant Killer’ which still resonates today with a Hollywood production based on the legend due for release next year.

St Michael’s Mount lies on the St Michael line previously discussed here.