Society X

the Great Universe

Tag: Great Pyramid of Giza

The Dark Pyramids of Amerika: The Luxor Hotel and the black cubes of Saturn

by 5ocietyx

Luxor pyramid, Las Vegas

Luxor pyramid, Las Vegas

The Luxor Hotel complex in Las Vegas is ancient Egypt with a liquor license and stake money.

The Great Pyramid of Giza had a smooth limestone surface that would have dazzled in the African sun as a brilliant white. It is also missing its golden capstone.

The dark pyramid of Las Vegas has a black surface and an illuminated capstone that sometimes shoots an artificial beam of light into the sky at night-time.

Somewhere in his voluminous work, Manly P Hall observed that all the great structural achievements of antiquity were either left unfinished or deliberately scarred so as to remind the builders that the Great Work of the Ages was a work in progress and like mankind’s spiritual advancement was not yet completed

The builders of The Luxor Hotel thought they wouldn’t muck around. The pyramid took just a few years to erect and when it was complete its capstone was also added. Rather than precision align the pyramid to the stars and harness stellar energy flows, a spotlight does the job just as well albeit it’s just an illusion.

A huge advert for Absolut vodka can be seen draped over it in the photo below.

Inside the pyramid can be found a fake city that contains a casino. Casinos are essentially pseudo-random number generators with enough checks to ensure the house always wins. They harvest negative energy, both emotional and monetary and turn it into food. They continually instill a sense of luck and guesswork and a ‘get rich quick’ mindset as opposed to assured reasoning and hard work.

To our way of thinking, the appearance of the Luxor complex in the barren desert of Las Vegas isn’t so much a manifestation of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools  in America but more an in your face and obvious parody on how far man has fallen since then.

The vodka advert on the outside and casino in the inside is stark testimony.

It says: ‘we’re going to paint our pyramids black, and use them for casinos and saloons and plaster advertising for alcohol all over it. We’re also going to mount a phoney energy portal on the top of it that shoots a spotlight into the air.

None of it is real, it’s all fake, as illusory as a mirage. Casinos thrive on hyper-reality to fool gamblers into thinking the money they are losing isn’t real either, especially if it is transferred for kindergarten currency with big blue and red chips.

Las Vegas means ‘The Meadows’ in Spanish. Vega is also the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere and derives from Arabic (Al Nasr) al Waqi translated variously as “the eagle of the desert” or “the falling vulture.”

All of Las Vegas is hyper-real. The misery for an endless stream of gamblers is that this mirage is only too real.

Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas

Ridiculous: Luxor Hotel complex, Las Vegas

Perhaps the appearance of two ‘kaabaesque’ buildings with larger-than-life mannequins adorning their entire height next to the Luxor complex gives an indication as to the ideas behind it?

The Lion’s Gate of Sion

by 5ocietyx

Syon Lion's Gate

Syon Lion’s Gate

The London Olympics began with the Opening Ceremonies the day after the heliacal rising of Sirius on the 27th July and ended with the Closing Ceremonies on the closing of the Lion’s Gate on the 12th August.

These are what some call the tail-end of the ‘dog days’ of summer. This reflects the fact that it is the Dog Star Sirius more so than its spiritual companion Solaris that brings a special kind of light energy to Earth during this period.

The torch relay began 70 days before the Olympic torch relay finale concert in Hyde Park on 26th July.

The heliacal setting of Sirius occurs 70 days before its rising. This is the period when it is obscured by the sun’s light. The Egyptians saw this as a time of death and rebirth and echoed it in their funeral ceremonies.

“When a king died, his body was mummified, then interred in a pyramid or other tomb. By custom, burial took place 70 days after death, when the king was “reborn” in the stars.”

The 8th August is the most potent day of the Lion’s Gate – 8 8 and was the day in 2008 when the Beijing Games commenced – 8 8 8. Infinity of infinite infinities.

The Egyptian’s marked the 26th July as their new year. This is the day the Nile flooded each year bringing abundance to the land.

As Sirius rises in unison with the dawn and the sun passes through the house of Leo the Lion forming a conjunction with the galactic centre a star-gate opens activating the Earth Grid. The current astrological house depends on which constellation of the zodiac is obscured by the sun. The sun must act as a relayer transmuting and transmitting the energies from those stars carried on the stellar winds and on into the Earth’s own energy matrices.

50 year storm
As points out, the sun acts as a lens transmitting the energy flow to all the planets in the solar system:

“Even during normal phases of its life, a tremendous amount of electrical energy is created on Sirius, making it the most energized, “positive” point in our little corner of space. Now this might seem like nothing more than a minor curiosity, but these are not ordinary times. Every 49.9 years, the two stars in the system, Sirius A and B, come as close together as their orbits allow, creating huge magnetic storms between them. As they approach each other, the stars both begin to spin faster as tidal forces become stronger, finally flip-flopping over, actually trading places with each other. Imagine a gigantic electrical turbine engine twisting and spinning, generating billions and billions of volts of electricity. This energy is eventually released to flow down the magnetic field lines to the sun, which transmits it like a lens to all the planets.”

The pyramids of Giza are aligned to absorb the energies from Sirius because the priest class and mystery schools knew that the Lion’s Gate brought forth more than just the rising waters of the Nile. By focusing this energy into a massive pyramid they could harness it and work with it. This will be the subject of a future post.

Explanations of what the Lion’s Gate is from around the 1nt3rw3bz

“The heliacal rising of Sirius – July 26 – commenced the Egyptian year, and established the 1460-year Sothic cycle – the return of Sirius to the same place in the sky. During this same time, the .25 extra day per year accumulates for a total of exactly 365 days, or an additional year. Hence, the full Sothic cycle is 1461 years. Note that the Sothic measure is fractal as well. In other words, every four 365-day years there are exactly 1460 days, but in that time there is one accumulated day, hence 1461 days! This is why Sirius presents the logical galactic time marker.”

“It is believed that the Lion’s Gate is also a time and energy portal to ancient Egyptian encodings situated between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is said to be an energy doorway, which activates the etheric and the Hall of Records (Akasha) and is said to be associated with the marriage of matter and antimatter, a point where polarities meet and merge.
These codes are Encrypted at sacred sites all over the world, but centred on Giza. It is thought that these long-established data programmes, communicate with our own inner crystalline codes held in our DNA. By tuning in and connecting with these codings we can access this portal of ancient truths and wisdoms resulting in an accelerated spiritual awakening for ourselves and our world. The more of us who do this the sooner we reach Rupert Sheldrake’s Point of Morphic Resonance where the knowledge is transferred to our collective consciousness.”

Syon Park Lions Gate

Syon Park Lion’s Gate decorated with twin golden lines by Hounslow Council

The lion’s tail points westwards, down the A315 (London Road) through Bedfont Lakes Country Park running parallel with the A30 ley line.


Sphinx, Syon Park, Brentford


Sphinx, Syon Park, Brentford


Sphinx, Syon Park, Brentford

Lion's Gate Syon Park

Lion’s Gate Syon Park

Syon Park

Syon Park

Syon Park Lion's Gate

Syon Park Lion’s Gate